Buy Ticket To Our Events

This theme let you create and sell ticket to events using Woocommerce

Create Event Easily

Create events easily with U-event custom post quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis

Sell Event Ticket

You can sell tickets to your event using Woocommerce, it is so easy and so convenient

Create Courses

Use U-course custom post to create and manage and sell courses for your education business

Amazing Support

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Consultative meeting with the delegation from the Kingdom of Eswatini

Hon. Raphael Magyezi Minister of Local Government, and Permanent Secretary, Mr. Ben Kumumanya, with the delegation from the Kingdom of Eswatini, during their consultative meeting on decentralization and local government reform.

Promoting locally-led adaptation and climate resilience

Ben Kumumanya, The PermanentSecretary welcoming participants and setting the stage for a successful and engaging event focused on promoting locally-led adaptation and climate resilience.

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