The Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development as required by the National Physical Planning Act 2010, Initiated preparation of the National Physical Development Plan and a draft is now on display for comments. The National Physical Development Plan is the Government of Uganda’s strategy to resolve the conflicting sectorial pressures on uses of land, which is a finite resource, as the population grows, and the country modernizes. The Plan combines the spatial content of the pillars of Vision 2040 and the National Development Plans according to its different orientations, into one over-arching framework for the Physical Development of Uganda. The Plan is based on Balanced Regional growth. A triangle of international expressways is superimposed on the highway system, and urbanization zones are mainly located along these routes. The zones are coordinated with the distribution of agricultural clusters which define areas purely for agriculture and all meaningful protected areas, natural resource blocks, and water systems have been integrated into the final solution. The central objective of NPDP is to give the physical aspect on Social and Economic development a more central role within Government Policy making. Therefore, the National Planning Authority, Ministries, Departments and Agencies, Private Sector, CSOs NGOs, CBOs and other Development Agencies will be required to Adopt Relevant Physical Factors in their Sector Development Plans for easy Implementation of NPDP. All Actors and the General Public are therefore strongly encouraged to study the Plan and give their views and comments as we build our country together. National Physical Development Plan can be viewed here from 15th May 2019 to 15th August 2019. Comments should be addressed to the Commissioner Physical Planning in the Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development by Physical Contact, E-mail to: or Telephone +256414232130