What is the total number of districts in Uganda?

The total number of districts in Uganda is 135.

What is a Local Service Tax (LST)?

LST is one of the taxes collected by all Local Governments in Uganda effective 1st July 2008.

The LST is paid by all persons in gainful employment to the District, City, Municipality, Division or Town Council where he/she resides.

LST is levied on the salaries/wages of employees which is left after deducting pay as you earn (PAYE).

What is the criteria for elevating an Urban Authority? (City, Municipality,Town Council)

Urban authority includes a city council, city division council, municipal council & town council

According to Local Government Act Section 7   2(a)

A district Council may with the approval of parliament create a Municipality within its area of jurisdiction in accordance with paragraph 32 of the Third Schedule of LG Act

Paragraph 32 States

  1. Except for those

What is the total number of districts in Uganda?

The total number of districts in Uganda is 135.

What is the total number of districts in Uganda?

The total number of districts in Uganda is 135.

What is the total number of districts in Uganda?

The total number of districts in Uganda is 135.