
Mr. Cypriana Chillanyang
Head of Department


The Departments is responsible for provision of strategic policy formulation, guidance, planning and budgeting functions for the Ministry; formulation of Ministerial policies, work plans and Monitoring their implementation. Monitoring and Evaluation of Government projects.  In the FY 2019/20, this department received UShs 680M which was 100% of its budget allocation for the year. Out of this, Ushs 620M was spent which is 91.2% absorption.


  1. Support the Ministry and LGs in Policy, Planning and Budgeting functions.

  2. To perform the statistical function of the Ministry by collecting, analyzing and production of statistics.

  3. Support development planning in the Local Governments.

  4. Formulation appraisal, Monitor & Evaluation and of Government Projects in the Ministry and the LGs.

Achievements for FY2019/20

  • The Department of policy planning supported LGs in streamlining Planning, Budgeting, and reporting processes for newly created districts local governments.This was done in the districts of kalaki, karenga, kitagwenda, kazo, Rwampara, kikuube, kyotera, Nabilatuk, Rwampara, Madi-okollo, Obongi and Kassanda.

  • Fieldwork to validate activities and inspection reports done by other departments as part of the quality assurance. Arua, Koboko, Nebbi, Makindye sabagabo, Jinja Kapchorwa Tororo Busia Bulamburi Bududa Sironko Mbale.

  • Monitoring usage of start-up funds in 42 Town-councils

  • BFP FY2020/2021 Prepared and submitted to MoFPED. BFP2020/21 Defended at parliament; Budget Estimates & MPS FY2020/2021, Prepared and submitted to MoFPED

  • Fourth Quarter FY2018/2019 and First second and third Quarter Performance Progress Report For MOLG Prepared & submitted to OPM & MOFPED

  • Prepared and submitted Sector contribution to the National Policy Research Agenda. Prepared and submitted Sector Contribution to the Policy Development & Performance portal. Prepared and submitted to Cabinet Status report on Matters arising from Cabinet from the Previous Quarter.

  • Prepared and submitted Second Quarter performance report for Policy Analysis to Cabinet Secretariat.

  • Prepared the cabinet memo on the creation of Mbale and Masaka Cities.

  • Provided Technical guidance provided on the review of Local Economic Development Policy;

  • Provided technical support on the preparation of a cabinet memo on the Park User fees Prepared Briefing Notes on 95% of Cabinet Memos received.;

  • Participated in consultative meetings to review the Local Government Act Cap 235 and a RIA report for the same to be produced by the end of Q3 One Status Report on Implementation of Cabinet decisions/directives during the quarter.;

  • Carried out a routine review of sector policies. Inventory of sector policies updated; Study on the creation of cities undertaken Compiled and submitted input to review of the Local Government Act and Local Economic Development Policy.

  • Compiled and submitted the first quarter plan for National statistical Development report for MOLG; Populated the sub National development Matrix by National planning authority NPA;  Undertook a Data mapping Exercise with UBOS

Plans for FY2020/21

  1. BFP, MPS, 4 Quarterly Performance Budget Performance reports and Statistical Abstract compiled and published

  2. Cabinet Memos, Policy briefs, Policy Papers compiled and submitted to cabinet

  3. 8 Project Concept Notes for New Projects Prepared and Submitted to MoFPED

  4. Sector and Ministry strategic plan that are aligned to NDP III developed

  5. 2 SWG & 8 TWG meetings facilitated

  6. Routine Monitoring & Supervision of Performance of the Ministry departments and Projects undertaken.

  7. Support to MoLG and 40 District Local Governments in Planning, Budgeting and Reporting Functions provided.