The Presidential Initiative for Zonal Industrial Parks for Skills Development, Value Addition and Wealth creation.

This initiative was born out of the regional tours undertaken by H.E the President in May 2019, with the main focus on skills development and capacity building in mainly commercial Agriculture, Manufacturing, ICT and services. 

The ultimate objective of the initiative is to identify ways of creating wealth and jobs to foster growth in household income and, promotion of industrialization as a key driver of growth in the economy.

During his tour, H.E the President promoted the four-acre model for prosperity, which can support the growing of coffee, fruits, food crops, zero grazing of dairy cattle, poultry, piggery and fish farming. H.E the President also pointed out the establishment of industrial parks as central to promoting industrialization.

Accordingly, H.E the President set up the Nakyobe Fund, which is spearheaded by the State House Comptroller to implement the initiative. 

With guidance and support from the  Ministry  of Local Government, The Local Governments have already provided land for the establishment of Industrial parks in the twenty zones namely; Mengo, Mubende, Masaka, Busoga, Bukedi, Bugisu, Sebei, Teso, Karamoja, Lango, Acholi, Madi, West Nile, Bunyoro, Kasese, Bundibudgyo – Ntoroko, Ankole, Kigezi, Tooro and Kampala.

These Industrial parks are managed by the Local Governments that make up each zone.

The initiative targets both the literate and illiterate each are trained in the following areas; Carpentry, Welding, Tailoring, Weaving, Knitting, Bakery/confectionary, Shoe-making, Stone cutting and Establishment of demonstration gardens.